Monday, December 14, 2009

Computer users most of the drinking of tea

Medlar tea: Wolfberry rich in β-carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium, iron, with Bugan, kidney, eyesight role. Whether tea or a snack, like raisins, like when to eat, right eye Suanse, fatigue, short-sighted to deepen greatly alleviate such issues.

Green Tea: It is the most in recent years that people talked about the health drinks, because it contains potent antioxidants called catechins as well as vitamin C, not only can remove free radicals, but also to enable the Deputy renal cortex secrete intense pressure against the hormone. Of course, a small amount of caffeine contained in green tea can stimulate the central nervous system, it is best to drink during the day so as not to affect sleep.

Chrysanthemum tea: It is the role of Liver eyesight.

Cassia seed tea: Cassia has heat, eyesight, make up brains, the town of qi, the role of benefit bones, constipation, the person dinner after dinner drink, is very effective for treating constipation.

Eucommia Tea: Eucommia has the kidney and the role of strong bones and muscles, for sedentary due to back pain have a certain effect.

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