Sunday, December 6, 2009

Men are most in need of nine kinds of tonic

Men really need is the whole body of all aspects of health, youth, vitality. Many vivid examples show, inappropriate complement of chaos so-called "tonic" not only and have no benefit, and sometimes actually harmful. In fact, if you really love him, then, here are some things he really needs is a "tonic."
  Boron - Prostate treasure

Overseas study found that a large intake of boron men suffering from prostate cancer than men with lower intake of small amount of 65%. This shows that the intake of an appropriate amount of boron can effectively reduce the incidence of prostate cancer. Eat more tomatoes also protect the prostate, it is because tomatoes are rich in boron inside. Boron is widely present in fruits and nuts in the. United States Drug Research Institute found that daily doses of 3 mg of boron is most appropriate, the dose can produce anti-cancer effect has just been, and in the doses of boron can also improve memory and attention. Other boron-rich foods, including grapes, nuts, avocado, red wine and grape juice. Another treatment can both Jiechan way is to eat vanilla ice cream. This is because the vanilla ice cream inside to contain boron.
 ω-3s fatty acids, - male "Heart Care" expert

ω-3s fatty acids can prevent blood platelet aggregation and adhesion into a corporation in which the formation of plates, so that the blood flow increase, can reduce blood pressure and triglyceride levels and the maintenance of the beating heart of the law. Studies have shown that ω-3s fatty acids can indeed reduce heart disease mortality. The researchers also found that ω-3s can be effective treatment for autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus), and can regulate the lipid-containing brain cellsVolume, delay aging brain cells. 1 gram a day is enough. But for men who have heart problems should be the daily intake of 2-4 grams, this fatty acid has a certain smell of Anabaena. Food, such as sardines, tuna, herring and other ω-3s are considered a good source of fatty acids. Consumption of ω-3s fatty acids must not be excessive, because the excess fatty acid ω-3s may be his proposal to increase the risk of suffering from a cold.
  Folic acid so that men stay away from early Alzheimer's disease

Swedish researchers found that men as early as the high incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Increased homocysteine can increase the incidence of early Alzheimer's disease, which occurs mental deterioration, memory loss and other early symptoms, while promoting blood coagulation or a cysteine amino acid. Further study found that folic acid can effectively reduce homocysteine levels, which can increase the blood into the brain volume, so folic acid can help prevent the formation of arterial emboli. Which suffered the pain of working pressure, which may suffer from early Alzheimer's disease, he is indeed good news. Daily doses of 500 nanograms homocysteine levels can be reduced to 18% or more. Food sources of folic acid include citrus, beans, cereals and so on.
  Calcium so that hard-up men's skeleton

Chinese men daily intake of calcium from food is far from meeting physical needs, but also middle-aged men, the loss of calcium every day. Study found that higher calcium intake of male bones are more robust, but less than the intake of the male average to slim some, that is, an appropriate calcium supplement also has a slimming effect, this portly man who is as good as the a good news. Men, the amount of daily recommended intake of calcium is 1 gram, but most ofMen, we can not do this. More suitable for absorption of calcium citrate. Intake can be allocated: the morning half of the amount of intake, which is about 600 mg in the evening intake of the other half, because it can take to maximize absorption. In fact, on a glass of milk contains 300 mg of calcium! Drink milk, can also point to solve the problem. Also note that calcium is also not more than 2.5 grams, because it would be at risk.

Excitation energy of coenzyme Q10 men

Coenzyme Q10, also known as "pan-quinone", is a body found in a variety of bio-soluble natural vitamin substances. Coenzyme Q10 can help the body's cells to obtain energy, which can stimulate the release of male energy is to allow his young and dynamic way. It is produced by cells in its own natural antioxidants, but when the men after the age increases, the body of coenzyme Q10 would be reduced accordingly. In recent years, studies have shown that coenzyme Q10 can enhance the body's immune function and fight against cancer, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease! And can make the blood-thinning, thus preventing heart disease. The researchers suggested that 100 mg per day is most appropriate. This substance can be purchased in health shops.
  Chitin - male joint lubricants

British "Lancet" magazine published an article concerning the section of 200 people the disease continuous three-year study, the report pointed out that chitin can reduce joint pain, and to the strength of joints increased 25%, you can also Prevention of progressive rheumatic arthritis of the knee. Therefore, chitin can prevent joint damage, and thus make him dashing. In addition, the Japanese research confirmed that chitin has immune-enhancing effect, helping to reduce the tumor fineCell injury; in today's increasingly serious environmental pollution, reducing the savings of the body of heavy metals contribute to the body of waste chitin to exclude, but to ensure the normal operation of the human body's physiological function. Daily doses of 1.5 grams of chitin, if and chondroitin taken together would be more effective. Add the shrimps and crabs and other foods in the diet can increase the intake of chitin.
  Selenium - helps men, anti-cancer substance

Experiment proved that the lack of selenium in the diet will cause an increase in lipid peroxides. This lipid peroxidation is a long senile plaques in the skin will keep the plot in the heart, blood vessels, liver and brain cells, causing a number of system lesions. NorthCarolina University, confirmed the animal experiments: a low level of selenium in the body can make the virus more prone to mutation, thereby increasing the cold symptoms. The human body needs a daily diet containing 200 micrograms of selenium, of course, if he is sick, it is best to be a little more. Brazil nuts are rich in natural selenium, each of nuts contains 100 nanograms of selenium!
 Delay the aging of vitamin E

Vitamin E is the most effective antioxidants is one. The study also found that vitamin E also has reduced the role of muscle damage after exercise. The role of free radicals can cause oxidative damage to cells, to promote human aging and to increase the incidence of various diseases. When the man was still young when the normal physiological function can generate anti-oxidants to counter the radical oxidation. But when the men and 30 to 40 years old, the body generates free radicals will increase, and the resulting anti-oxidants are less and less. Therefore, in the survival of heavy pressure from men, vitamin E is an effective way to prevent aging. EachDays using the 400 international units, since most people only from their daily diet of a small part of the vitamin E (mixed food contains 45 international units). You can let him through eating dried fruits and oils to increase the vitamin EIntake. In nature, vitamin E is widely distributed in plant and animal oils and fats, egg yolks, milk, fruit, lettuce leaves and other foods, in the wheat germ oil, corn oil, peanut oil, cotton seed oil richer in content. The best buy natural vitamin E, rather than synthetic, because the latter can not easily be used the human body.
  Zinc - "sex" in the material

In the human body more than 200 kinds of enzymes in the brain of the nine chemical signal transduction system - neurotransmitters are inseparable from the production of zinc. Because of zinc to the maintenance of cell integrity, cell proliferation, gene regulation, nucleic acid metabolism and immune function have an important role. Male semen contains high concentrations of zinc, frequent male sexual activity and thus easier to zinc deficiency, zinc supplementation should be frequent, which is to maintain vigorous sexual function of much help. Zinc also help to maintain the role of brain function. Recommended intake of the standard 800mg / day, but the latest dietary survey showed that Chinese men meet the requirements of zinc intake less than1 / 3. Zinc-rich foods are seafood (oysters, shellfish, sea fish), lean meat, whole grains and leguminous plants.
Chinese medicine emphasizes reconcile qi and blood, yin and yang to reconcile, more emphasis on men's to regulate and fortify. But now many "tonic" blindly emphasized that "complement", is already into the errors. Many so-called tonic to stimulate the nerve with most medicines, and perhaps for some people, you can in a short time to achieve immediate results. However, these drugs deposited in the body, is not only harmful to human health, and even give rise to irreparable side effects. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine "

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