Sunday, December 6, 2009

Today, most vulnerable to cancer-causing foods list

Say "start with the mouth", now with stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer and other high-fat, this statement proved once again. According to reports, leading to the incidence of these cancers increased year by year, one of the important reasons is that the eating habits of modern people, many of the people considered to be "delicious" food, in fact, are carcinogens. Recently, the experts released a cancer-causing foods most likely to "blacklist", for these foods, one should eat better.

  Food Type: pickled food

Example: salt fish, bacon, shrimp paste, salted egg, pickled vegetables, sausage, ham, smoked pork.

  Expert analysis:

Such foods in the curing process, can produce dimethyl sulfoxide nitrate, in the body into carcinogens dimethyl amine nitrite, eating more will cause stomach, intestines, pancreas and other digestive tract cancer risk increased . In particular, there is a stomach disease patients, such foods to eat less.

  Food Type: BBQ food

Example: roast beef, roast duck, roast lamb, roast goose, suckling pig, kebabs and so on.

  Expert analysis:

Egg barbecue meat in high-temperature process, will produce oxides and many other bio-active decomposition products, these products have a significant cytotoxic effect on women, ovarian, breast, uterus affinity organizations, easily become a carcinoma induced by agents. In addition, eat such high-fat, high-protein foods, leading to excess nutrients the body occurs obesity, also contribute to breast cancer and other disease a risk factor.

  Food Type: Smoked Food

Example: bacon, smoked liver, smoked fish, smoked eggs, smoked tofu and so on.

  Expert analysis:

Treated in this way the food will be rich in benzopyrene, scientific research shows that this is a strong carcinogen, regular consumption of susceptibility to esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. At the same time, people in the production of such food, but also add the pepper, sugar and other spices, but too spicy or sweet foods which can irritate the gastric mucosa, causing damage to gastric mucosa, when the gastric mucosa in the repeated state of repair, it prone to cancer.

  Food Type: fried food

Case: oil pancake, stinky tofu, fried taro angle, fritters, French fries and so on.

  Expert analysis:

Common gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, the causes are closely related with the deep-fried foods. Foods fried at high temperatures in the process of animal fats at a high temperature due to decomposition of role and repeated several times using the oil chemical reaction, will produce a variety of carcinogens, such as 34 phenyl pyrene, acrylamide, etc., can affect the entire the digestive tract, including oral, throat, esophagus, stomach, intestines and so on. In particular the large intestine, though the end of the digestive tract, but it is toxic, carcinogenic substances accumulated in the last organ, it is easy to be affected.

  Food Type: moldy food

Example: rice, wheat, beans, corn, peanut and other food damp mildew.

  Expert analysis:

More food in the moist environment that can easily rot, long-haired, and such mildew fungal contamination of food have been after, it will produce cancer-causing poisonous weeds prime - aflatoxin Abamectin is a species recognized as a strong carcinogen, it is After eating not only will affect the digestive organs, liver and other organs also have the risk of cancer.

  Other cancer-causing food:

Overnight cooked cabbage and sauerkraut, repeated boiling of the water.

  Expert analysis:

The reason these foods are carcinogenic, are prone to nitrite. Like overnight cooked cabbage, sauerkraut, and will be repeated boiling of water containing this substance, when the body was to eat later, will be converted to nitrite amines into carcinogenic substances.

  Summary of experts comments:

Many chemical changes, usually during the cooking process we do not know, there are many food additives are added to the manufacturer, we do not know after being cooked does not produce carcinogens. Therefore, we suggest that you, in the time of cooking the best choice for a light, for example boiled, steamed, etc. it's best to eat fresh mainly eat more fiber foods, will help develop a healthy eating habits, to avoid "cancer from the mouth."

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